The Employability Operating System, or eOS, is an online tool the school uses to track level I student behavior. Students are provided school wide expectations that they are to meet during the course of the school day.
The MTSS Behavior teacher will review each student’s percentages on meeting expectations at the end of the day on Friday. The MTSS Behavior teacher will report to team leaders the students who did not meet behavior expectations for the week, and team leaders will assign the appropriate consequence using the tiered system outlined below.
eOS Levels
Behavior Expectations
- Maintaining Orderly Behavior
- Demonstrating Respect to Adults and Peers
- Reporting to Location Prepared and On Time
- Staying On Task During Work Times
- Classroom Specific Rules
Maintaining Orderly Behavior
Demonstrating Respect to Adults and Peers
Reporting to Location Prepared and On Time
Staying On Task During Work Times
Classroom Specific Rules
Students who earn 15 or more infractions for the 4.5-week period or receive three or more referrals during this time frame will be flagged for further intervention. Once flagged, the grade level team will meet to determine interventions for the student, which may include:
- Behavior intervention plan or behavior contract
- Placement change, including the MTSS Behavior Tier 2 class
- Use of outside resources or agencies
An intervention plan may supersede the eOS system for a particular student.